Riddle: What room do ghosts avoid?
Show answer
The living room.
Below you will find all our daily riddles (with answers). Remember, we publish a new fun riddle every single day so keep coming back for more riddles!
Riddle: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm tree.
Riddle: What is made of water but if you put it into water it will die?
Riddle: What body part is pronounced as one letter but written with three?
Riddle: Which building in town has the most stories?
The library.
Riddle: You are my brother but I am not your brother. Who am I?
Your sister.
Riddle: Why is an island like the letter T?
They’re both in the middle of water.
Riddle: What animal always goes to sleep with their shoes on?
A horse.
Riddle: What is the world’s laziest mountain?
Riddle: My start goes on toast and my end is how birds move.
Riddle: I’m a kind of cup that doesn’t hold water but makes a lot of noise repeatedly. What am I?
Riddle: In a green house lives a green man and in a pink house lives a pink man. Who lives in the white house?
The president.
Riddle: What word can go after hot, running and hard?
Riddle: I’m not rich but wherever I go I leave silver behind me.
A snail.
Riddle: I am nothing but holes tied to holes yet I am as strong as iron. What am I?
A chain.
Riddle: What five-letter word can be read the same upside down or right side up?
Riddle: At night, they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen.
Riddle: What’s the difference between a jeweler and a prison guard?
A jeweler sells watches and a prison guard watches cells.
Riddle: Always in you and sometimes on you. If I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?
Riddle: I’m everywhere a little but you can’t see, unless I’m colder than ice and dry as can be. If I find a little tree I might help it to grow, and if you look very close, you’ll see two Os.
Carbon dioxide (CO2).
Riddle: What word can go after beauty, blind and hot?
Riddle: Why is Europe like a frying pan?
Because it has Greece at the bottom.
Riddle: What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
A kangaroo.
Riddle: Though blind as well I can lead the blind well. What am I?
A cane.
Riddle: If two snakes marry what will their towels say?
Hiss and hers.
Riddle: The sun bakes them and the hand breaks them. The foot treads on them and the mouth tastes them. What are they?
Riddle: What word can go before bottom, line and wax?
Riddle: What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot.
Riddle: The person who makes it doesn’t need it. The person who buys it doesn’t use it. But the person who uses it doesn’t know it.
A coffin.
Riddle: A green vegetable that looks like a tree, you’ll find that most children don’t like to eat me. What am I?
Riddle: You heard me before and then again. Afterward I die until you call me again. What am I?
Riddle: I can be found on a present or the front of a boat or after the rain. What am I?
Riddle: I am an even number. If you take away one letter from me, I become odd. What number am I?
SIX. If you take away the ‘S’, you are left with IX which is the Roman numeral for 9.
Riddle: What breaks yet never falls and what falls yet never breaks?
Day and night.
Riddle: What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?
A hole.
Riddle: What is at the head of an elephant and the tail of a squirrel?
The letters ‘el’.
Riddle: Front and back and fire and slide. Open and closed and glass and side. What am I?
Riddle: A man buys a goat for $60. Then, he sells it for $70. Then, he buys it back at $80 but sells it again for $90. How much did he make?
The man made $20.
The first time he made $70 – $60 = $10.
The second time he made $90- $80 = $10.
Therefore, he made a total of $20.
Riddle: I may make your breath smell but I also fight vampires well. What am I?
Riddle: What kind of cup doesn’t hold water?
A buttercup.
Riddle: I am a food that explodes. But long before I explode, I am already dead. I can be small, I can be big, and I can be fragrant. My name is literal. What am I?
Riddle: I am bought by the yard but worn by the foot. What am I?
Riddle: I sometimes run but I but never walk. You follow me wherever you go. What am I?
Your nose.
Riddle: When you lose something and leave it under your pillow I leave you a prize. Who am I?
The tooth fairy.
Riddle: I’m a container without hinges or lock or key but a golden treasure lies inside me.
An egg.
Riddle: What digit appears the least number of times between the numbers 1 and 1000?
0 (Zero).
Riddle: What word can go before bean, milk and fingers?
Riddle: I am shared by goats and devils and unicorns. What am I?
Riddle: I am a beer yet kids can drink me and not get drunk. What am I?
Root beer.
Riddle: Three men enter a room but only two walk out. The room is empty. Where is the third man?
The fourth man is in a wheelchair so he rolls out rather than walks out.
Riddle: You enter a bedroom with 34 people and you kill 30. How many people are in the bedroom?
35 people. The 30 you killed, the other 4 who are still alive, and you.
Riddle: You are sleeping and you are hungry and you have butter cheese and juice in the fridge. What is the first thing you will open?
Your eyes.
Riddle: What does the great depth devour to grant luck?
Coins (it’s describing a wishing well).
Riddle: What flies when it’s on and floats coming off?
A feather.
Riddle: I can be red or green and I grow on a vine. I’m dried to make raisins or squeezed to make wine.
Riddle: I am what remains when nothing is left. What am I?
Riddle: What ship has two mates but no captain?
A relationship.
Riddle: There are 3 apples in a basket and you take away 2. How many apples do you have now?
Two – the two you took. The other apple is in the basket.
Riddle: What type of cheese is made backwards?
Riddle: I cover you though you lose me every day and you’d die without me. What am I?
Riddle: I fly around all day but I never go anywhere. What am I?
A flag.
Riddle: What word can go after star, town and hard?
Riddle: I touch the Earth and I touch the sky but if I touch you you’ll likely die. What am I?
Riddle: I am deaf and dumb and blind but always tell the truth. What am I?
A mirror.
Riddle: What word can go before watch, motion and gap?
Riddle: What tastes better than it smells?
Your tongue.
Riddle: Forwards I’m what you do every day but backwards I’m wicked. What am I?
Riddle: Poor people have it and rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Riddle: I am a seed with three letters in my name but take away the last two and I still sound the same. What am I?
A pea.
Riddle: I have branches but no fruit or trunk or leaves. What am I?
A bank.
Riddle: How many times does the number 9 occur between 1 and 100?
20 times.
Riddle: What has many teeth but cannot bite?
A comb.
Riddle: What two fruits are anagrams of each other?
Melon and lemon.
Riddle: I give milk and have a horn but I’m not a cow. Who am I?
A milk truck.
Riddle: You’re in a cell with no windows, vents, or door. How do you escape?
If there is no door, you can just walk out.
Riddle: Imagine you’re in a room that is filling with water and there are no windows or doors. How do you get out?
Stop imagining.
Riddle: A cell phone and phone case cost $110 in total. The cell phone costs $100 more than the phone case. How much was the cell phone?
Riddle: What word contains 26 letters but only has three syllables?
Riddle: What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don’t want to use it?
An anchor.
Riddle: What word can go before vest, beans and quartet?
Riddle: If you multiplied all of the numbers on the dial pad of a smartphone what would the total be?
Zero. All the numbers from 0 – 9 are there and if you multiply anything by zero, the result is zero.
Riddle: What word can go after gun, pin and mid?
Riddle: If you have three you have three and if you have two you have two. But if you have one you have none. What am I?
Riddle: The last man on Earth received a phone call. Who was the caller?
A woman.
Riddle: Three men were in a boat when it capsized but only two got their hair wet. Why?
One of the men was bald.
Riddle: What is always in front of you but cannot be seen?
The future.
Riddle: What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on?
A coat of paint.
Riddle: During what month do people sleep the least?
February – it’s the shortest month.
Riddle: Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Riddle: What kind of room has no doors or windows?
A mushroom.
Riddle: A girl who was born in 1962 just had her 18th birthday. How?
She was born in room 1962.