Riddle: What do peas and whales and the letter ‘i’ have in common?
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Riddle: What do peas and whales and the letter ‘i’ have in common?
Riddle: How do you spell candy in 2 letters?
C and y. C(and)y.
Riddle: Never in daylight but surrounded in sun. Found first in unicorns, it is centered in fun. What is it?
The letter ‘u’.
Riddle: I can travel from there to here by disappearing, and here to there by reappearing. What am I?
The letter ‘T’.
Riddle: What letter in the alphabet can make an old coin very valuable?
The letter G. Add it to old and you get a gold coin!
Riddle: What is special about the Christmas alphabet?
There’s no L.
Riddle: What are the 10 letters in the pirate alphabet?
Aye-Aye, Arrr and the Seven Seas.
Riddle: What number has all its letters in alphabetical order when spelled out?
Riddle: Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
The ‘C’.
Riddle: Why can’t pirates finish the alphabet?
Because they always get stuck at sea.
Riddle: What letter is the coolest in the alphabet?
B. It is surrounded by AC.
Riddle: How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
18 letters. There are 3 letters in “the”, 7 in “English”, and 8 in “alphabet”.
Riddle: The alphabet goes from A to Z but what goes from Z to A?
Riddle: What word contains 26 letters but only has three syllables?