Riddle: On stormy sea or between the eyes, or under singing strings it lies. What is it?
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Riddle: On stormy sea or between the eyes, or under singing strings it lies. What is it?
Riddle: I am used to bat with yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball yet I am never thrown. What am I?
Riddle: What are moving left to right, right now?
Your eyes!
Riddle: Sometimes I am loud and viewed with distaste. Poke out my eye, then I’m on the front of your face. What am I?
(If you remove the “eye”, i.e. the letter “i”, from the word noise, you get the word nose.)
Riddle: What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between you and me something smells.
Riddle: What do you call a reindeer with no eyes?
Riddle: Ten soldiers dead on the field, dressed in white, killed by three eyes, black as night. What happened?
A bowling ball knocked over ten pins.
Riddle: On flowing rivers or between the eyes or under singing strings it lies. What is it?
Riddle: Open me and you can’t see me without a mirror. Close me and you can’t see me at all. What am I?
Your eyes.
Riddle: What wears an eye patch and robs ships at night?
A vampirate.
Riddle: I have two eyes but cannot see. I’m hot when cold both red and green.
A chilli pepper.
Riddle: I don’t have eyes but once I did see. Once I had thoughts but now I’m white and empty. What am I?
A skull.
Riddle: I have three eyes and only one leg. Obey me, or you will be sorry. What am I?
A traffic light.
Riddle: What do you call a pirate with two eyes and two legs?
A rookie.
Riddle: What has eight legs, eight hands and eight eyes?
Eight pirates.
Riddle: If there is a bee in my hand what is in my eye?
Beauty – because beauty is in the eye of the bee holder!
Riddle: It is a ball that can be rolled but never bounced or thrown. What is it?
Riddle: Flat as a leaf and round as a ring. Has two eyes but can’t see a thing. What is it?
A button.
Riddle: What body part is pronounced as one letter but written with three?
Riddle: You are sleeping and you are hungry and you have butter cheese and juice in the fridge. What is the first thing you will open?
Your eyes.
Riddle: What has four eyes but cannot see?
Riddle: With one you’re wounded and with two you’re blind. Cut me in half and I mend things you’ll find. What am I?
An eyepatch.
Riddle: What has six faces but does not wear makeup and has twenty-one eyes but cannot see?
A die (dice).
Riddle: A slender body, a tiny eye, no matter what happens, I never cry. What am I?
A needle.
Riddle: I fly without wings and I cry without eyes. What am I?
A cloud.