Riddle: He got it in the woods and brought it home in his hand because he couldn’t find it. The more he looked for it the more he felt it. When he finally found it he threw it away. What is it?
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A splinter.
Riddle: He got it in the woods and brought it home in his hand because he couldn’t find it. The more he looked for it the more he felt it. When he finally found it he threw it away. What is it?
A splinter.
Riddle: It can be long or short. It can be grown or bought. It can be painted or left bare. What is it?
A fingernail.
Riddle: Why should you not brush your teeth with your left hand?
A toothbrush works better!
Riddle: It has a face that does not smile or frown. It has no mouth but it makes a familiar sound. It has hands but fingers it does not. What is it?
A clock.
Riddle: I have no feet and no hands and no wings, but I climb to the sky. What am I?
Riddle: What has eight legs, eight hands and eight eyes?
Eight pirates.
Riddle: If there is a bee in my hand what is in my eye?
Beauty – because beauty is in the eye of the bee holder!
Riddle: I can be flipped and broken but I never move. I can be closed, and opened, and sometimes removed. I am sealed by hands. What am I?
Riddle: I am a fruit but add a letter to my middle and I become a handkerchief.
Banana (bandana).
Riddle: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm tree.
Riddle: The sun bakes them and the hand breaks them. The foot treads on them and the mouth tastes them. What are they?
Riddle: What can you hold in your left hand but not your right?
Your right elbow.
Riddle: I have two hands, but I can’t scratch myself. What am I?
A clock or watch.
Riddle: What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left?
Your left hand.
Riddle: What has a neck but no head and two arms but no hands?
A shirt.