Riddle: What never gets any wetter no matter how much it rains?
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The sea.
Riddle: What never gets any wetter no matter how much it rains?
The sea.
Riddle: It has a throne but not a king. When it rains, you often sing. What is it?
Riddle: When my name’s called you’d best take heed, be down to earth, I’ve said it plain. I’m known for many a foul deed, it’s said I flourish in the rain. What am I?
Riddle: Why do ducks like the rain?
They enjoy fowl (foul) weather.
Riddle: What word can go before storm, proof and coat?
Riddle: What’s the difference between a person with a terrible toothache and a rainy day?
One is roaring with pain; the other is pouring with rain.
Riddle: What does a rain cloud wear under his clothes?
Riddle: Cloud is my mother and wind is my father. I come down but never go up. What am I?
Riddle: I can be found on a present or the front of a boat or after the rain. What am I?
Riddle: What goes up when the rain comes down?
An umbrella.